Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) - Level 2 protocol which is used to discover link layer address (MAC), associated with a given internet layer address (IPv4 address). Works in request-response mode.
In IPv6 networks functionality of ARP is provided by Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP).
##Packet Structure
###ARP Question
[Image Name 1]:https://secretnotes.space/articleimage?id=156
![Image Name 1]
First comes Ethernet data which is not an arp protocol data
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #ffaec6;display:inline-block'></span> - DESTINATION MAC 6 bytes. ARP questions are broadcasted so DESTINATION MAC address is FF FF FF FF FF FF.
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #ff7e2b;display:inline-block'></span> - SOURCE MAC 6 bytes
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #b5c61b;display:inline-block'></span> - TYPE. In this case ARP 08 06. 2 bytes. If Ethernet incapsulates IPv4 protocol those 2 bytes will be 08 00. For IPv6 it will be 86 DD.
Next comes ARP packet.
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #c1c0e8;display:inline-block'></span> - HARDWARE TYPE. In this case ETHERNET 00 01. 2 bytes.
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #b9795d;display:inline-block'></span> - PROTOCOL TYPE. In this case IPv4 08 00. 2 bytes.
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #a0d9ea;display:inline-block'></span> - HARDWARE SIZE. MAC is 6 bytes long. So field will be 06. 1 byte
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #fff200;display:inline-block'></span> - PROTOCOL SIZE. IPv4 is 4 bytes so field will be 04. 1 byte
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #c3c3c3;display:inline-block'></span> - OPCODE. This is a question so 00 01. 2 bytes.
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #ff7e2b;display:inline-block'></span> - SENDER MAC. F4 28 55 64 C8 25. 6 bytes.
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #ed1a29;display:inline-block'></span> - SENDER IP. or in hex C0 A8 01 01. 4 bytes
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #4046c3;display:inline-block'></span> - TARGET MAC. In this case 00 00 00 00 00 00 because it is a question. 6 bytes.
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #25af4f;display:inline-block'></span> - TARGET IP. In this case or in hex c0 a8 01 15.
Zeros that comes next are just padding. Length of this message is 60 bytes. This message can be interpreted as `who has tell it to`
###Gratuitous ARP
It is type of ARP question when one computer makes arp question with TARGET IP set to its own IP address (asks its own IP). Usually there are 2 reasons for using it:
- To inform all other computer about obtaining IP address
- To check if there are same IP addresses in local network
###ARP Answer
[Image Name 2]:https://secretnotes.space/articleimage?id=154
![Image Name 2]
Ethernet data:
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #ffaec6;display:inline-block'></span> - DESTINATION MAC 6 bytes
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #ff7e2b;display:inline-block'></span> - SOURCE MAC MAC 6 bytes
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #b5c61b;display:inline-block'></span> - TYPE. In this case ARP 08 06. 2 bytes.
Next comes ARP packet.
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #c1c0e8;display:inline-block'></span> - HARDWARE TYPE. In this case ETHERNET 00 01. 2 bytes.
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #b9795d;display:inline-block'></span> - PROTOCOL TYPE. In this case IPv4 08 00. 2 bytes.
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #a0d9ea;display:inline-block'></span> - HARDWARE SIZE. MAC is 6 bytes long. So field will be 06. 1 byte
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #fff200;display:inline-block'></span> - PROTOCOL SIZE. IPv4 is 4 bytes so field will be 04. 1 byte
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #c3c3c3;display:inline-block'></span> - OPCODE. This is an answer so 00 02. 2 bytes.
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #ff7e2b;display:inline-block'></span> - SENDER MAC. E5 CB 45 D7 62 D5. 6 bytes.
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #ed1a29;display:inline-block'></span> - SENDER IP. or in hex C0 A8 01 15. 4 bytes
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #4046c3;display:inline-block'></span> - TARGET MAC. In this case F4 28 55 64 C8 25 because it is an answer. 6 bytes.
<span style='width: 20px;height: 20px; background-color: #25af4f;display:inline-block'></span> - TARGET IP. In this case or in hex C0 A8 01 01.
This can be interpreted as ` is at E5 CB 45 D7 62 D5`.
##ARP Cache
After computer gets MAC address of another computer with the help of ARP question he can save this information for future use. Next time instead of making ARP request computer will take destination MAC from cache. To see ARP cache on Windows and Linux type
arp -a
There are 2 types of ARP records:
- Dynamic
- Static
Dynamic records are made due to work of the ARP protocol. They have limited time to live and after time has passed they are deleted. On different systems this time to live is different. The idea behind it is to track changes that happened in network. Fresh information is provided by ARP protocol.
Static records are created manually usually by system administrators. They are permanent and can be changed manually.
To add static record to arp table on Linux
--- arp -i [interface] -s [ip-address] [mac-address] ---
arp -i enp0s3 -s 00:55:DF:34:54:78
To remove record from arp table
--- arp -d [ip-address] ---
arp -d
After system is rebooted this record will be deleted. There is an option to make static arp record when interface goes up. For example on Ubuntu create file with random name (but no extension) in directory`/etc/network/if-up.d/`.
sudo touch /etc/network/if-ud.d/test
Contents of the file
arp -i enp0s3 -s 00:55:DF:34:54:78
Now after rebooting system arp record will remain.
Adding static record to arp table on Windows is similar to Linux way but has slightly different syntax
arp -s 00-55-DF-34-54-78
To create record that survives reboot we need to use PowerShell. At first get network interfaces. Run PowerShell as admin.
Here we can get network interface Name, Description, InterfaceIndex, MACAddress, LinkSpeed. Now add static arp record.
--- New-NetNeighbor -InterfaceIndex [Index] -IPAddress [IPAddress] -LinkLayerAddress [MACAddress] -State Permanent ---
New-NetNeighbor -InterfaceIndex 3 -IPAddress '' -LinkLayerAddress '00-55-DF-34-54-78' -State Permanent
We can check results with command
arp -a
To remove permanent arp record use powershell with admin rights
--- Remove-NetNeighbor [Ip-Address] ---
##ARP Vulnerabilities
###ARP Spoofing
ARP protocol does not have authentication, system can\`t figure out if arp packet came from the trusted source looking only inside the arp traffic. Attacker can do man in the middle attack putting him between user\`s machine and gateway. To the gateway attacker will send arp packet telling that he is the client\`s machine and to the client he will send arp packet telling that he is the gateway. Now traffic goes through the attacker\`device. When client makes request traffic will go at first to the attacker and then to the gateway. Response will go through the the attacker and then to the client.
A lot of high-level protocols (level 7) use encryption so even if attacker can see all the traffic he can\`t decrypt it and as the result he can\`t get usefull information from it. But some protocols work in plain text (HTTP, DNS, FTP...) and in this case it is dangerous.
There is functionality of making broadcast arp requests and responses. Some systems make dynamic records in arp tables according to the information from the request. To the arp table is written SENDER MAC and SENDER IP fields. So attacker can make broadcast request with the correct gateway IP address (usually in home networks) but wrong gateway MAC address droping whole network or broadcast response (destination address FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF in ethernet frame) containing correct gateway ip and wrong MAC.
Another thing that can work is Gratuitous ARP request with wrong MAC address. Devices in network will listen this arp request and update their cache.
To stop these attacks can be used:
- static arp records
- software than monitors arp cache (arp table)
Setting static arp records can help against arp spoofing or dos (static records are not overwritten when attacker sends arp packets) but in case of big networks with often updated hardware it may be not the best option.
Some antiviruses can monitor arp table and in case of change of MAC address for IP address it can invalidate the record. Also there is software that does exactly monitoring. For example program `arpwatch` for Linux.